Tuesday, January 10

January February Schedule

The Schedule for the rest of the season is as follows:

Tues 10th - practice
Thurs 12th - no practice, rest day for those attending divisionals
Saturday 14th - ABS Divisionals in Seattle, WA
Tues 17th - practice
Thurs 19th - practice
Tues 24th - practice
Thurs 26th - practice
Tues 31st - practice
Thurs February 2nd - no practice
Saturday February 4th - Montana Bouldering Championships

As always the schedule can be found through the Steepteam Calendar link on the right sidebar.

Saturday, January 7

Cody Ice Festival

I've had a few kids ask about trying out ice climbing this past year. One of the best ways to be introduced to the sport is to attend the annual Cody Ice Festival over Presidents Day weekend in February. A two day, two night event, Friday night starts out with getting all your gear sorted out, Saturday is ice climbing with a guide, and a great Saturday night slideshow. The gear and guides are included in the cost, meals are extra, but usually worth it.

I will be guiding again this year, but all the the guides are more awesome and way gnarlier than me, so no matter who your guide is you'll have a great time and learn a lot. More information and sign-up can be found HERE.

Tuesday, January 3

Montana Bouldering Championships

Saturday February 4th 2012 hosted by Steepworld.  See the official competition website for more information.

Shirts for Sale

We have a small selection of Steepteam shirts in "heather navy" available for $20.  All money goes back into the Steepteam fund.  See Joel or the front desk if you'd like to purchase one.